SHRDC-MAJECA-MASSA Webinar on 26 March 2024: Smart Factory and Industry 4.0: A Practical and Sustainable Approach towards Digital Transformation

The Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) with the support of the Malaysia-Japan Economic Association (MAJECA) and Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA) organised a webinar titled “Smart Factory and Industry 4.0: A Practical and Sustainable Approach towards Digital Transformation” on 26 March 2024. This webinar is the second instalment of a three-part series of engagements with SHRDC with the view to equip members of MASSA and MAJECA, clients of SHRDC and the greater business community with relevant and timely insights to enhance businesses in their DX (digital transformation), GX (green transformation) and innovation journeys.

Smart Factory takes current manufacturing processes to Industry 4.0 standards. Highly effective and efficient machines are capable of data generation, visualization, and analytics. The integration and collaboration-based concept provides a holistic approach towards integration of technologies related to Industry 4.0 and beyond in a manufacturing process.

The webinar session provided an overview of these concepts and a unique perspective towards the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies towards a Smart Factory. Ts. Dr. Chua Wen Shyan, shared a practical and sustainable approach towards accelerating adoption of digital transformation within organizations. The approach and concepts shared were tailored towards supporting the industries (especially the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)) to accelerate their growth towards effective and sustainable digital transformation.

The programme of the webinar was as follows:

10.00 amOpening Remarks
10.05 amWelcome Remarks MAJECA & MASSA
10.10 amSmart Factory and Industry 4.0: A Practical and Sustainable Approach towards Digital Transformation Ts. Dr. Chua Wen-Shyan Certified COSIRI Assessor (CCA), Head of Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0, SHRDC
11.00 amQuestion & Answer Session
11.30 pmClosing Remarks & Announcements.

Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MAJECA & MASSA delivered the Welcome Remarks.

Ts. Dr. Chua Wen-Shyan, Certified COSIRI Assessor (CCA), Head of Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0, SHRDC giving his presentation.

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